Our Team


Dr Nicolas BastyCo-founder & CEO

Expert in deep learning for medical image analysis. PhD from Oxford, MSc from Imperial College.


Dr Brandon WhitcherCo-founder & CSO

Expert in MRI biomarkers and data analysis pipelines. Former Director at GSK and Pfizer, 20+ years experience. Startups include Klarismo, AMRA Medical, Grail.


Prof Jimmy BellCo-founder & Director

Director of Research Centre for Optimal Health, University of Westminster. Former Group Head MRC Clinical Sciences Centre. International expert in health, ageing and obesity. 300+ publications


Prof Louise ThomasCo-founder & Director

Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, University of Westminster School of Life Sciences. International expert in MRI body composition. 100+ publications.

Join the Orcino Health Revolution

Whether you’re a clinic with patients on a quest for vitality or a company dedicated to healthier ageing for your employees, Orcino Health is your partner of choice. Let’s redefine what it means to age gracefully and thrive.

Ageing isn’t just about years - it’s about quality of life. Let’s make every moment count!